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New Features

  • If the Visible property is False in the first creation in the Global Label Object, the problem of not appearing on the screen has been fixed.

  • Adc reading problem has been fixed.

  • Modbus rtu related improvements have been made

NOTE: Please extract the downloaded file from the .zip. After that use the .bin file.

Screen Sizes and Download



New Features

  • Speed optimizations have been made.

  • JPEG image support has been added. In this way, project sizes have become much smaller.

  • LabelBox object has been added. Multi-line support and wrap feature has been added.

  • Screen brightness adjustment feature has been added.

  • KeypadAlphaExt function has been added. Horizontal and vertical keyboard code extraction has been added.

  • In case of program error, it shows the status by displaying a blue screen.

  • Added numeric keyboard horizontally and vertically.

  • Updates have been made about the Arduino library.

NOTE: Please extract the downloaded file from the .zip. After that use the .bin file.

Screen Sizes and Download

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